Thursday, July 3, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

The "rules" of the game: Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5-6 people and their post names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you now when you've posted your answer. Here it goes:

Ten Years Ago: I was 15. Wow that feels like forever ago. I had actually just met Dan for the first time and didn't stop thinking about him until we hooked up two years later. I was just getting ready to get my drivers license, Wahooo!

Five things on today's "to do" list:

1. Laundry (it is starting to pile up...again!)
2. Mail my student financial aid form in.
3. Clean my messy house, and I mean messy!
4. Entertain two grumpy children until 7:00 when I will put them down for bed. (Usually I nap them in the middle of the day, but today I am skipping naps and putting them to bed 2hrs early because we have to wake up at 4am-yes we're crazy-and drive to provo to watch the hot air ballons lift off! It's a4th of July tradition:)
5. Get the mail.

Snacks I enjoy:
Chips and Salsa
Homeade baked pastries! Pretty much anything sweet, fattening, and bad for you:)

Things I would do if I was a millionaire:
Pay off Debt!!!!!!!
Buy a house with lots of land!
Buy Dan a new car.
Share with all my friends of course
Donate to kids shelters in 3rd world countries
Travel with my family.
Set up college fund for my kids.
Etc, Etc, Etc,

Places I have lived:
Sandy, UT & SLC, UT - Kind of boring, huh

Here are the people I am tagging:
Becky, Maggie, Jessica, Shellie, Tracey, Alisha


The Moving Circus said...

Tagged no more...


Jenny M said...


I just ran into your blog while I was visiting Jessica's! I'm so glad you are doing one. You are such a positive, energetic mother. It radiates through your cute kids!